BikeTrailerBlog.com has just arrived at Interbike! under the auspice of www.CampfireCycling.com. Today, our goal is to test ride electric bikes, with the intention of offering both a line of regular style e-bikes as well as electric cargo bikes here in Flagstaff through our shop, Campfire Cycling. While we don’t expect to see too many bike trailers out and about today, electric cargo bikes are definitely a topic of interest for BikeTrailerBlog.com. Electric bikes in general are also capturing our attention as they are certainly useful when towing bike cargo trailers.
We will be attempting to do a quick daily Interbike post over the next few days, posting a few of the best bike trailer related photos from the day along with a quick update. For more regular updates of bike trailers, as well as plenty of other updates, checkout our FaceBook page. A team of 4 of our posed with our iPhones ready to post anything exciting that we see in the realm of Bike Cargo Trailers, Bike Child Trailers, Trailer Cycles, LongTail Bikes and Cargo Bikes plus other stuff involving Bike Bags, Bike Rack, Electric Assist Bikes and more…
So check out our FaceBook page already for the latest updates. Our goal is to post 10 to 20 times a day!