The Cascade Bicycle Club recently came out with a promotional video to encourage people to make more of their short car trips by bike. They use the example of a woman named Sophie who takes 10 trips of 2 miles or less by car each week. All they ask is that she substitute 3 of those weekly car trips with a bicycle. The video argues that this will lead to happiness, health, and richness.What do you think? Is this a good method of encouraging people to ride a bicycle? Personally, I think so, as it encourages people to make moderate changes, which can lead to bigger changes over time. Would this strategy help you get on a bike for transportation more often? There are a number of promotional videos for transportation and utility cycling being circulated recently, many of which argue that bikes make life better, and I’m interested to hear what our readers think about them.Cascade Bicycle Club – Vision 2011 from Punch Drunk on Vimeo.