I thought today would be a good day to post some silly photos of Robin wearing some of his packing material based hats for two reasons. #1 Robin is our own in-house turkey keeping us all entertained with his antics and this is the day of Turkeys. #2 it just so happens today is Robin’s birthday, so Happy Turkey Birthday Robin!Robin’s many hats go beyond just the entertaining ones, generally made from the boxes of the various brands we carry. Robin started out with us assembling the in-house Wandertec products we carry. He quickly joined in full time handling shipping and receiving. From there, Robin has rapidly expanded into a wide range of tasks that have help Campfire Cycling grow and thrive including, among many other tasks and projects, handling our in-house product photography, uploading products to the shops with all the relevant data and most recently managing all aspects of our customer service.There is a multitude of behind the scene tasks that go on here and Robin’s abilities to switch hats at the drop of a hat has brought this hat trick +1 (our 4 specialty cycling accessory shops) together. Thanks for all of the great work over the years Robin and enjoy the Turkey and Birthday Cake!
I thought I should include a photo of Robin without a hat on. Here he is doing some final prep for our show room Grand Opening last May.