Tucson is lucky to be getting not one, but two great Cyclovia events this year! What is Cyclovia you say? Cyclovia is a car-free event, whereby city streets are closed to motorized traffic and opened up to all forms of non-motorized traffic for the day. It’s a great way to experience your community in new ways and get to hang out outside with your friends, family, and fellow community members! I wrote a bit more extensively about the event back in 2010, when Tucson had its first event, so check it out that post for more basics and more here too.Cyclovia Tucson was successful in funding their Kickstarter campaign, which really helped boost things. This is the fourth year Tucson has hosted a Cyclovia event, and there is another one coming up on April 28, as well.Tons of local advocates worked tirelessly to make this event run smoothly, and run smoothly it did! I spent the morning volunteering at an intersection on the south side of the loop, and I had a blast! Everyone was very friendly, happy, and enjoying themselves. It was great to watch parade upon parade of people going past on foot, bicycle, skateboard, and other kinds of funky, non-motorized vehicles throughout the day. Families, young people, old people, you name it, they were out there enjoying themselves.I’ve got a little photo-essay below from the perspective of my intersection below. Check it out, and if you can make it to the next Cyclovia Tucson, you won’t regret it. If you don’t live in the area, check to see if your city hosts a Cyclovia event and consider starting one if they don’t! Check out some of the coverage of the event over at Tucson Velo, as well.