We’ve been hustling around setting up our new showroom. There hasn’t been too much time for newsletters, but I figured its been too long.
We’ve been busy adding lots of new brands to the site. Oveja Negra, Hyperlite & SOL, Adventure Medical Kits. We’ve also refreshed our lineup of Brooks and Carradice. Overall our Pack and Camp sections are starting to get filled out and now we’re focused in on building out the Bike section.

Our warehouse is going through a transformational merchandization into an awesome showroom. Everyday, a new crop of products pops up in various corners of the space. The pace feels good and the displays will be in full bloom for the coming fall cycling season here in Tucson.

Campfire Cycling Swag is for sale! If you’re looking to sport your support, our designer did up a trucker hat and Specialized water bottle design just right.

I’ve had some great applicants for our GM position and I hope to make a selection and get someone on boarded in not too long. Its time to get this Campfire burning hot and filling this void will surely stoke our fire.
Last but not least, we’re putting together a great event for our showroom kickoff. We’ll be officially announcing the event in a couple of weeks from now so lookout!